Model Empowerment Development Through Relational Benefit Approach Based On Social Marketing Concept

Journal Title: Advances in Social Sciences Research Journal - Year 2017, Vol 4, Issue 24


Approximately 70% of East Java's economic growth comes from Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs), which are mostly craftsmen, among whom are artisans of songkok. But there are still many obstacles that exist with regard to marketing how marketers provide satisfaction to consumers with relational benefit based on the concept of marketing with social insight so that the realization of a repeat purchase (usage intention), because of the demands of consumers to provide satisfaction. To empower the artisans of the songkok, in this study aims to find the correlation of Relational Benefit how marketers relate to consumers providing confidence benefits, social benefits and special treatment benefits. The concept of social marketing is related to the social interaction relationship between marketers, consumers and society...

Authors and Affiliations

Muhammad Balaf, Muslichah Erma Widiana, Farida Agustini


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  • EP ID EP330966
  • DOI 10.14738/assrj.424.3733.
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How To Cite

Muhammad Balaf, Muslichah Erma Widiana, Farida Agustini (2017). Model Empowerment Development Through Relational Benefit Approach Based On Social Marketing Concept. Advances in Social Sciences Research Journal, 4(24), 111-119.