Model for automatic detection of lexical-syntactic errors in texts written in Spanish
Journal Title: TecnoLógicas - Year 2018, Vol 21, Issue 42
Evaluating written texts is a task that mainly considers two aspects: syntacticsand semantics. The first one focuses on the form of the text,and the second one,on itsmeaning. Conducting this task manually implies an effort in time and resourcesthatcan be reduced if part of the process is carried out automatically. According to the reviewedliterature, there are different techniques for automaticallycorrecting texts.One of them is the linguisticapproach, which focuses on syntactic, semantic,and pragmatic elements. Likewise, this ongoing research is concerned with the automatic evaluation of syntactic errors in texts written in Spanish as a starting point to ensure coherence and cohesion in textcomposition, which may beuseful in the academic environment. In order to carry out this study, a set of texts by students enrolled in an academic program was collected and analyzedby applying natural language processing and machine learning techniques. Additionally, the content of the corpus was manually corrected to compare the results of both methods, andcorrespondence was established between them.For this reason,it was concluded that the automatic method supportsthe syntactic correction process of a text written in Spanish.
Authors and Affiliations
María D. Bustamante-Rodríguez, Alberto A. Piedrahita-Ospina, Iliana M. Ramírez-Velásquez
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