Model for forming the style of the leader

Journal Title: Бюллетень науки и практики - Year 2018, Vol 4, Issue 5


The article presents the author’s model of the formation of the personality and style of the leaders of modern organizations. The need for the development of this model is based on the fact that a number of factors influence the formation of a leader’s style, that’s why their systematization, grouping and the ability to track the formation of a leader’s style through the model of its formation are necessary. The model consists of four blocks that include the personality, psychological, business and professional qualities of the manager, as well as the factors of the management system that determine the formation of a management style, where the personality–psychological qualities that determine the emergence of business and professional qualities.

Authors and Affiliations

Maksim Bgashev


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  • EP ID EP485248
  • DOI 10.5281/zenodo.1246544
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How To Cite

Maksim Bgashev (2018). Model for forming the style of the leader. Бюллетень науки и практики, 4(5), 485-494.