Model-Model Pendidikan Perdamaian Bagi Anak Dalam Konteks Gereja

Journal Title: UNKNOWN - Year 2018, Vol 16, Issue 1


This writing aims to describe and analyze models of peace education for children in the context of the church. This writing is motivated by the emergent acts of violence in various relationships both in the domestic and public sphere in Indonesia, which is causing violence to become culture. This writing proves that peace education is an effective long-term effort, which can be a counter-culture for the violence culture. Peace education can be done more optimally if it is planted early on in the lives of children and in the context of the church, because together with the church, children are also held responsible in taking the mission of peace for the spreading of the kingdom of God. The author also found that peace education needs to be done in three stages: the awareness stage through contemplative model and problem-posing model; the stage of affection through the integration model (with ecclesiastical calendar) and role playing model; then the implementation stage through the action-reflection model. Further research linking the application of these models in the context of local churches in Indonesia is strongly recommended.

Authors and Affiliations

Tirsa Budiarti


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  • EP ID EP472131
  • DOI 10.25278/jj71.v16i1.280
  • Views 76
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How To Cite

Tirsa Budiarti (2018). Model-Model Pendidikan Perdamaian Bagi Anak Dalam Konteks Gereja. UNKNOWN, 16(1), 55-76.