Model of Creative Businesses and Development of the Rural Municipality of Puszcza Mariańska


Creative businesses are one of the models of economic development and one of the main drivers of local and regional development. The core of this model is entrepreneurial activity. This article attempts to draw attention to the need for creating a model of the creative sector and the cultural sector for rural areas (suburban, intermediate, peripheral areas) in the light of an intensifying tendency of population migration from cities to the countryside and changes in the awareness about the quality of life and work. This model has its specific features, as opposed to the model preferred for cities. This is due, among others, to the spatial aspects (e.g. location in relation to urban centres), cultural distinction of villages and historically determined socio-economic situation. A case study of the rural municipality of Puszcza Mariańska as a representative of many similar national municipalities is an example of the need to undertake research into the potential of the creative sector. The article indicates the selected mechanisms and conditions to build in the rural areas the potential of human and social capital in the creative sector.

Authors and Affiliations

Elżbieta Strzelecka,, Sylwia Mazgajska


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  • EP ID EP302120
  • DOI 10.7172/1733-9758.2017.23.6
  • Views 66
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How To Cite

Elżbieta Strzelecka, , Sylwia Mazgajska (2017). Model of Creative Businesses and Development of the Rural Municipality of Puszcza Mariańska. Studia i Materiały Wydział Zarządzania Uniwersytet Warszawski, 1(23), 62-74.