Model of methodical system of genetic education in form 10 by the program "Biology and ecology"
Journal Title: Фактори експериментальної еволюції організмів - Year 2018, Vol 22, Issue
Aim. The article is devoted to the development of the theoretical model of the methodical system of teaching the genetics in the 10th form, determining the components of each element of the system and links between them on the basis of theoretical analysis of the content of the educational program in biology and ecology for the 10th form, the requirements of the State standard of basic and complete general secondary education, provisions of the of the New Ukrainian school concept. Methods. Analysis, synthesis, modeling. Results. The authors have proposed a model of the methodical system of teaching genetics in the 10th form under the new program, from the point of view of the individual and the whole and the connections between the elements of the system. Conclusions. There are connections between the elements of the methodical system, these connections acquire new qualities if this system is included as a component in the system of teacher – student interaction. An important factor in functioning the methodical system is the optimal combination of goals, objectives, teaching technologies, which include the organizatio of teacher pedagogical activities and student learning; different training forms; training tools. Keywords: methodical system, training technologies, student interaction, goals, objectives.
Authors and Affiliations
К. І. Бородіна, А. М. Кмець
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