Journal Title: Fizjoterapia Polska - Year 2008, Vol 8, Issue 2
The professional activity of a clinical psychologist in a rehabilitation departament requires a general knowledge of psychology as well as familiarity with departament-specific issues. There exist a variety of models for the professional activity of a psychologist in rehabilitation. The practice in the Rehabilitation Departament in Zgorzelec is closest to the developmental model', according to which disability represents a predisposition to experience various problems in life and rehabilitation is the process of interaction between a disabled person and a specialist in a rehabilitation and physiotherapy. This model regards the patient as a partner in the rehabilitation process. Psychologists in a rehabilitation departament need to undertake different activities in the therapy of children and in the treatment of adults. Work wit children (and their carers) includes diagnosis, therapy, stimulation of development, psychoeducation and support for the parents. The psychologist also collaborates with educational institutions: schools and kindergartens that the patients attend as well as the Psychological and Pedagogical Counseling Centre, whose activities aim to support the children's development. In the case of adult patients with CNS damage, the psychologist begins work with a neuropsychological diagnosis and follws with exercises to restore the affected functions. The basic activity in work with patients suffering from musculoskeletal pain is psychoeducation, which covers the concept of disease, connection between stress and the functioning of the body, identification of needs and skills required to satisfy them, work with emotions and relaxation training.
Authors and Affiliations
Teresa Karadimitris, Wojciech Kufel, Beata Michalak, Bartłomiej Halat, Marta Kopa, Zbigniew Śliwiński
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