Modele pozaparlamentarnej kontroli konstytucyjności prawa

Journal Title: PRZEGLĄD SEJMOWY - Year 2018, Vol 148, Issue 5


The article presents models of extra-parliamentary constitutional review of law. The starting point is the methodological discussion of various concepts of the division and types of review, i.a. political vs judicial, strong vs weak, centralized vs decentralized. Most often the constitutional review of law is classified into American-type review (judicial review) and European-type review (review performed by constitutional courts). This dichotomous classification is often replaced with the categories of “dispersed review” and “concentrated review”, which is the most often classification, at the same time clearly expressing the features distinguishing the two review mechanisms. While the American model does not raise serious discussions, the European model — also referred to as Kelsenian or Austrian model — is controversial. It can be subclassified into original (pure) model and its various mutations, referred to as the mixed European model of the constitutional review of law, most often applied in practice. Moreover, other types of review are also applied in Europe, hence the French and the Scandinavian models are also sometimes distinguished. Regardless of the classification, all review models are now being homogenized. This means that the review is performed by the courts (concrete review is introduced), the protection of rights and freedoms of an individual is emphasized, and poli­tical consequences of constitutional review are becoming more significant, as a result of which the organ performing the constitutional review becomes a political, active authority within the state.

Authors and Affiliations

Jarosław Szymanek


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  • EP ID EP456900
  • DOI 10.31268/PS.2018.20
  • Views 65
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How To Cite

Jarosław Szymanek (2018). Modele pozaparlamentarnej kontroli konstytucyjności prawa. PRZEGLĄD SEJMOWY, 148(5), 95-116.