Modeling of potato early blight timing of seasonal occurrence in Ukraine’s Polissya


The aim of the research is to solve the problem of forecasting the timing of seasonal occurrence potato early blight in termsUkraine’s Polissya. The main predictors that should be considered when predicting the timing of seasonal occurrence potato early blight are: minimum temperature in winter in the ground; the average temperature in june; average humidity in june; amount of rain in june. To analyze the relationships between the timing of seasonal occurrence potato early blight and factors that affect it built the appropriate image depending on what. Mathematical models which bind the timing of seasonal occurrence of potato early blight to each of predictors are developed. Each of the four dependences in terms of prediction has no obvious advantages as points distributed relatively dotted curves around with the same disorder. In this case, to determine the projected timing of seasonal occurrence early blight with the minimum error is reasonable to use all the available statistics that make the averaging of the appearance date, obtained under each function. The association of results of modeling is made to on by it all, that allows to decrease the error of prognosis.

Authors and Affiliations

V. Polozhenets, I. Zhuravska, L. Nemeritska


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How To Cite

V. Polozhenets, I. Zhuravska, L. Nemeritska (2017). Modeling of potato early blight timing of seasonal occurrence in Ukraine’s Polissya. Вісник Дніпропетровського державного аграрно-економічного університету, 43(1), 21-23.