Modeling of socio-economic relations in scientific research processes
Journal Title: Економіка АПК - Year 2018, Vol 2, Issue
The purpose of the article is to highlight the main results of the scientific research of the National Scientific Center “Institute of Agrarian Economics” in 2017 regarding the theoretical substantiation and practical implementation of key development models of socio-economic relations in terms of modern challenges. Research methodology. In the article have been used such general scientific methods: dialectical – for analysis of scientific works; abstract and logical approach – for summarizing of the research results and formulating of conclusions; empirical – for evaluation of the current state and development of the research object; method of factor analysis. Research results. There have been proposed theoretical and methodological substantiation and approaches to evaluation of the implementation effectiveness of a complex of socio-economic models of the agrarian sector of economy, in particular: paradigm of strategic vision of the agrarian system; algorithm for forming a perspective model of rural development using evaluation tools for consequences of this process on basis of determining the level of economic security of rural areas; forecast model of agricultural production and its efficiency; model of spatial distribution of agricultural production based on a rating assessment of agrarian development of regions; perspective model for an introduction of agricultural land market based on a scientifically grounded rural-preserving development paradigm; functioning model of the price mechanism for agricultural products and conceptual model of taxation of agricultural producers; model of regional road investment card for a provision of investment development of administrative regions. Elements of scientific novelty. The scientific novelty of the article lies in proposed system of organizational and economic models, implementation of which will ensure balanced development of domestic agricultural production and rural areas, primarily due to the synergistic effect of progressive changes in most key directions of this development. Practical significance. Realization of the formed systems of organizational and economic models will accelerate the economic development of the agrarian sector of economy and rural areas of the country, as well as the effective formation of competitive innovation-oriented agricultural production, sustainable export potential and national food security and solving social problems of rural population. Figs.: 2. Refs.: 15.
Authors and Affiliations
Yurii Lupenko
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