Modeling the Wind Farms into the Sea Considering Reliable Indicators


Researchers in recent decade considered renewable energies especially wind energy as far as considered sea and ocean waters a suitable place for turbine this study first we completely introduce a new phenomenon namely wind farms into the sea then modeling it by considering availability rate of production as an index of reliability assessment of wind farms into the sea and will introduce an optimal function that will be able to help this energy to decrease costs and increase reliability. Categorized expense is one of the elements which by optimizing it can attract investors. Thus in this study first model categorized expense wind farms into the sea and then pay attention to the optimal placement of wind turbines at sea and indicate that how we can have correct prediction of related expenses and proper placement for turbines into the sea by using proper modeling and genetic algorithms.

Authors and Affiliations

Kiarash Sabokrou, Hossein Afrakhte


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How To Cite

Kiarash Sabokrou, Hossein Afrakhte (2016). Modeling the Wind Farms into the Sea Considering Reliable Indicators. International Journal for Research in Applied Science and Engineering Technology (IJRASET), 4(4), -.