Моделирование основных закономерностей формирования хромированных и титанохромированных покрытий на сталях при нестационарных температурных условиях

Journal Title: Математичне моделювання - Year 2017, Vol 1, Issue 1


MODELING OF THE MAIN REGULARITIES OF FORMATION OF CHROMEPLATED AND TITANIUM-CHROMATED COATINGS ON STEELS AT NON-STATIONARY TEMPERATURE CONDITIONS Sereda B.P., Palehova I.V., Kruglyak I.V. Abstract In the complex operating conditions of machine parts, aggregates, equipment and tools, the physical and mechanical properties of their surface layer, its hardness, wear resistance and corrosion resistance are of great importance. The most widely used for surface hardening have been various methods and methods of chemical-thermal treatment (HTO). One of the effective methods of HTO, used to increase the surface hardness, corrosion and wear resistance of iron-carbon alloys, is diffusion saturation with one or more carbide-forming elements. At the same time, known methods of saturation are characterized by a considerable duration of the technological process (up to 10-16 hours) and energy intensity. In this regard, the actual development of technologies that allow to apply coatings with a minimum time of their formation. One of such technologies is the method of self-propagating high-temperature synthesis (SHS) using gas-transport chemical reactions. The essence of the SHS method is the implementation of exothermic reactions in the propagation mode of combustion waves. The process is characterized by intensive application of coatings due to the presence of a temperature gradient in the product-powder medium system, which allows mass transfer of saturating elements to the product surface. Coatings consist of a film of deposited product and a transition diffusion gradient zone. The aim of this work is to simulate the processes of chrome and titanium chromium in the conditions of SHS, to develop compositions of powder SHS-burden for the application of wear-resistant coatings, to compare and optimize the technological parameters of the SHS process. As a result of the studies, it was found that with a simultaneous processing method, the main factor affecting the thickness of the coatings is the concentration of saturating elements in the reaction mixture. At the same time, in the case of titanochromination by the SHS method, the supplier of active chromium atoms is both metallic chromium and the chromium component (XC). When saturated in mixtures containing cholesterol and titanium or cholesterol, titanium, chromium (provided that the total amount of chromium in the mixture is identical), a greater thickness of the coating will be obtained when chromium is present in the mixture in an unbound state. Gas-transported SHS-technology allows to obtain high-quality chrome and titanium-chromated coatings on iron-carbon alloys. At complex saturation by several carbide-forming elements on the thickness of coatings, their phase and chemical composition is significantly affected by the saturation method (sequential or simultaneous). To obtain coatings of considerable thickness and increase their performance characteristics, a two-stage SHS-technology can be recommended. Sequential saturation with titanium and chromium ensures high concentrations of these elements in the surface layer. At the same time, even with a two-stage processing method, the duration of the SHS process is approximately 4 times lower than with traditional HTO methods. References [1] Хimiko-termicheskaya obrabotka metallov i splavov: spravochnik / pod red. Lyaxovicha L.S. – M.: Metallurgiya, 1981. – 424 s. [2] Filonenko B.A. Kompleksnye diffuzionnye pokrytiya. – M.: Mashinostroenie, 1981. – 13: ISMAN, 1998. – 512 s. [3] Merzhanov A.G. Processy goreniya i sintez materialov/ pod red. V.T. Telepy, A.V. Xachoyana. – Chernogolovka: ISMAN, 1998. – 512 s. [4] Sereda B.P. Metaloznavstvo ta termіchna obrobka chornix ta kolorovix metalіv. Pіdruchnik. – Zaporіzhzhya: Vid-vo ZDІA, 2008. – 302 s.. [5] Sereda B., Sereda D. Obtaining of Boride Coatings under SHS Conditions for Car Parts. Material science and technology- 2016. Salt Lake City, Utah USA 2016-1339p.-P.945-948. [6] Sereda B.P., Kalіnіna N.Є., Kruglyak І.V. Poverxneve zmіcnennya materіalіv. Monografіya.- Zaporіzhzhya: Vid-vo ZDІA, 2004. – 230 s. [7] Kogan Ya.D., Sereda B.P., Shtessel E.A. Vysokointensivnyj sposob polucheniya pokrytij v usloviyax SVS / Metallovedenie i termicheskaya obrabotka metallov, 1991, №6. – s. 39-40 (in Russian). [8] Zemskov G.V., Kogan R.L. Mnogokomponentnye diffuzionnoe nasyshhenie metallov i splavov.- M.: Metallurgiya, 1978.- 208 s. [9] Mnogokomponentnye diffuzionnye pokrytiya/ pod red. Lyaxovicha L.S. – Minsk: Nauka i texnika, 1974.- 289 s. [10] Bekkert M., Klemm X. Spravochnik po metallograficheskomu travleniyu. – M.: Metallurgiya, 1979.- 336 s. [11] Sinyarev G. B., Vatolin N. A., Trusov B .G., Moiseev R. K. Primenenie EVM dlya termodinamicheskix raschetov metallurgicheskix processov .- M.: Nauka, 1982. – 263s. [12] Shatinskij V.F., Nesterenko A.I. Zashhitnye diffuzionnye pokrytiya. – K.: Nauk. dumka, 1988. – 272 s.

Authors and Affiliations

Б. П. Середа, И. В. Палехова


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How To Cite

Б. П. Середа, И. В. Палехова (2017). Моделирование основных закономерностей формирования хромированных и титанохромированных покрытий на сталях при нестационарных температурных условиях. Математичне моделювання, 1(1), 36-39. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-277099