Modelling curves of manufacturing feasibilities and demand


The authors research the issue of functional properties of curves of manufacturing feasibilities and demand. Settlement of the problem, and its connection with important scientific and practical tasks. According to its nature, the market economy is unstable and is in constant movement. Economy has an effective instrument for explanation of changes in economic environment; this tool is called the modelling of economic processes. The modelling of economic processes depends first and foremost on the building of economic model which is the base for the formalization of economic process, that is, the building of mathematical model. The effective means for formalization of economic process is the creation of the model of hypothetic or imaginary economy. The building of demand model is significant for the market of goods and services. The problem includes the receiving (as the result of modelling) definite functional properties of curves of manufacturing feasibilities and demand according to which one can determine their mathematical model. Another problem lies in obtaining majorant properties of curves of joint demand on the market of goods and services. Analysis of the latest researches and publications. Many domestic and foreign scientists dedicated their studies to the researches and building of the models of curves of manufacturing feasibilities and demand. In spite of considerable work of the scientists, such problems as functional properties of the curves and their practical use in modelling. The purpose of the article is to describe functional properties of curves of manufacturing feasibilities and demand on the market of goods and services on the base of modelling of their building. Scientific novelty and practical value. The theoretical regulations (for functional properties of curves of manufacturing feasibilities and demand) received as a result of the present research, that is convexity, give extra practical possibilities in a microeconomic analysis and in the construction of models of curves according to statistical data. The methods of the study can also be applied to determine the functional properties for curves of supply.

Authors and Affiliations

K. S. Soloninko, A. Yo. Shchehorskiy


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How To Cite

K. S. Soloninko, A. Yo. Shchehorskiy (2017). Modelling curves of manufacturing feasibilities and demand. Вісник Житомирського державного технологічного університету. Серія: економіка, управління та адміністрування, 79(1), 94-99.