Modelling of Noise Level in the Northern Part of Klaipėda City
Journal Title: Journal of Environmental Engineering and Landscape Management - Year 2009, Vol 17, Issue 3
Noise is an urgent problem not only in Lithuania but also all over the world. There are no noise-reducing walls in the nor-thern part of Klaipėda that could be used as reducers of noise spread from streets to the residential territory. Equivalent noise level spread from streets to the residential territory during the day and night time is modelled in this work. Comparison of measured and modelled noise level is carried out. A wall made from plastics, wood and ferro-concrete was used as a noise reducer in a model for reducing noise level spread to the residential territory. A wall of 2 and 3 m height was also used for wall efficiency study. Noise level dependence on car velocity is determined in I. Kantas street which is cobbled with stones. Modelling of noise level dependence on car velocity in I. Kantas street is also carried out and modelling results are compared with experimental results.
Authors and Affiliations
Vaidotas Vaišis, Tomas Januševičius
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