Models of Artistic-Figurative Metaphors of Wisdom in English Fairy Tales


The article uses a cognitive-semantic approach to the study of metaphor, through which prisms all abstract phenomenon is considered as an image sensory knowledge and perception of the world, existing in the experience of the speaker. An attempt has been made, on the one hand, to differentiate language, artistic and folk-poetic metaphors, on the other hand, to consider them as components of a conceptual metaphor, which includes artistic figurative metaphors of Wisdom. The correlation between the metaphorical concept and the conceptual metaphor, which forms the two main layers: figurative and value, is specified. The spheres-sources of conceptual art-figurative metaphors of Wisdom in the discourse of English-language fairy tales, revealing schemes of rethinking of the phenomena of the world and the mechanisms of metaphorisation are revealed. It has been established that metaphorically, wisdom has the size, it can vary, grow and develop, is a certain thing that a person has, has quantitative parameters inherent in animals, inherent in non-existence in general, is love, a receptacle for storing information, is differentiated on the basis of youth and old age, is a description of the environment, some surface, has a voice, is the key to understanding and identifying meaning, and so on. It is proved that in the discourse of the English-speaking fairy tale, Wisdom appears as the actual concept, formed on the basis of conceptual metaphors. Conceptual metaphors that form the concept of wisdom are represented by five major productive metaphorical models with their submodels: WISDOM is a LIGHT; WISDOM is a MIRROR; WISDOM is the FIRE; WISDOM is an OBJECT; WISDOM is HUMAN.

Authors and Affiliations

N. D. Kishchenko


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How To Cite

N. D. Kishchenko (2018). Models of Artistic-Figurative Metaphors of Wisdom in English Fairy Tales. НАУКОВИЙ ЧАСОПИС НАЦІОНАЛЬНОГО ПЕДАГОГІЧНОГО УНІВЕРСИТЕТУ ІМЕНІ М.П. ДРАГОМАНОВА. Серія 9. Сучасні тенденції розвитку мов, 18(), 87-94.