Modern forms of management of sea ports and problems of administration of marine industry in Ukraine

Journal Title: Lex portus - Year 2019, Vol 15, Issue 1


Port industry plays one of key roles the economy of Ukraine. Sea ports are component part of a transport and productive infrastructure of the state and taking into account their location play key role as a “Sea Gates” to internal transport corridors.The corporate governance reform aims to create an efficient and transparent state enterprise management environment which will protect the rights of an owner, establish an effective system of internal controls and create a level playing field with commercial companies in the market in compliance with the principles of corporate governance set out by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development. An author marks thе functioning and development of seaports depends on a number of factors, among which the most important are the forms of management of seaports, the level of their technological and technical equipment, the compliance of the management system with the current international requirements, the provision of regulatory and legal framework, the own and involved sources of modernization and development of maritime infrastructure. Material Unwell-being of settlement of such factors has direct influence on efficiency of functioning of port and transport industry, but also economies of country on the whole. However this research has for an object illumination of fundamental criterion is management forms. An author comes to the conclusion about the necessity of the use for Ukraine of the best world practices from administration of port industry and decision of problems that arose up, by creation at legislative level of terms for development of marine ports with application of case of Landlord Ports frame.

Authors and Affiliations

Anna Panchuk, Анна Панчук


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  • EP ID EP470968
  • DOI 10.26886/2524-101X.1.2019.4
  • Views 70
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How To Cite

Anna Panchuk, Анна Панчук (2019). Modern forms of management of sea ports and problems of administration of marine industry in Ukraine. Lex portus, 15(1), 50-67.