Modern Man between Christian Freedom and Philosophical Freedom
Journal Title: Analele Universitatii Ovidius Constanta Seria Istorie - Year 2006, Vol 3, Issue 0
Liberty is a innate attribute and significant for the human being. This means that liberty is innate gift. However, the human being doesn’t have absolute freedom and he isn't given this freedom the moment he is born once and for all, from the moment he was born as human being. That is why we can say that man has just an way to freedom, way that he must develop by his own effort. Christianity maintain that each person, as a human being has the freedom as part of his nature. Also, Christianity was the first that stated that man was created after the image of God. That is why freedom is not a foreign term for Christianity. The authentic liberty of human personality is primary Christian as the ancient world was only aware of the public freedom and not the individual one, it knew just the public freedom. The different philosophic conceptions about freedom, but also the different ways of manifestation of freedom proved its ephemeral characteristic along the time. The church is the place of true freedom development. There's no real freedom or salvation outside the church. The church is in a relation with the whole world. That means that its freedom is in relation with each person and the whole nature’s freedom. Perfection one's freedom depends on one's love for God; also, it consists in the union of the human will with the divine will in the name of Jesus Christ.
Authors and Affiliations
Corneliu-Dragoş Bălan
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