Modern view on prosthetic treatment of partial teeth loss (literature review)
Journal Title: Клінічна стоматологія - Year 2019, Vol 0, Issue 1
The author of the article has reviewed the literature on the modern aspects of orthopedic treatment of patients with partial adentia. In the study, the material was logically distributed in the relevant subsections: structural and biomechanical features of fixed and removable prostheses, an overview of the basic materials for their manufacture, advantages and disadvantages of such structures. The aim of the study – to analyze the modern domestic and foreign literature on modern methods of orthopedic treatment of partial adentia. Materials and Methods. The study used the library and analytical methods. Results and Discussion. During the research, a review and analysis of recent data of domestic and foreign medical and scientific literature on modern aspects of orthopedic treatment of partial edentulous patients, the structural and biomechanical features of fixed and removable prostheses, the review of basic materials for their manufacture, the advantages and disadvantages of the main types of construction. Conclusions. It is important to maintain significant relevance in improving approaches to fixed and removable prosthetics in patients with partial adentia. The results of scientific studies of previous years demonstrate fundamental importance for the long-term successful use of such structures by three main factors, namely, the state of supporting teeth, the features of the biomechanics of the structure and the interaction of the prosthetic materials with the surrounding tissues and the human body as a whole.
Authors and Affiliations
V. P. Gavaleshko
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