Module Spiritual Coping Strategies (MSDTK): An Approach to Deal with Stress among Teachers Trainee
Journal Title: International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences - Year 2017, Vol 7, Issue 3
Transforming life and the environment can be a burden factor amongst teacher trainees. Some of them failed to control and to deal with these burdens. In the field of education, teacher trainees encounter various challenges in the learning process. Hence, failure to control their state of emotions, thoughts and behaviors has caused teacher trainees to face problems with high pressure and low coping ability. Various methods of counseling modules have been highlighted, but the problem of high pressure and low coping ability amongst teacher trainees still exist. Thus, with the requirements of the module of spiritual coping strategies (MSDTK) should be applied among teacher trainees. Spiritual features are believed to form human emotions, thoughts and behavior. Nonetheless, the country is still lacking with spiritual coping strategies module (MSDTK). This paper discusses the impact and the needs of the spiritual coping strategy module among teacher trainees in addressing the problems of stress and coping. Highlighting the spiritual coping strategies module among the student is hoped to be a method in counseling that will help teacher trainees in dealing with pressure and coping ability.
Authors and Affiliations
Mohd Hafidz Osman, Md Noor Saper, Muhamad Nasir Bistamam, Muhamad Yusni Mohd Junos, Faizah Abdul Rashid
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