Moiré technique in diagnosing of postural defects in children. Pilot study
Journal Title: Fizjoterapia Polska - Year 2012, Vol 12, Issue 4
The aim of this study was to compare the body posture in girls and boys aged 7-12 years.The examination was carried out in the primary school in Łąck, Mazovian Province. The research was carried out among 220 children (119 girls and 101 boys). They were pupils at the lower stage (forms1-6). Body posture evaluation was carried out by means of photogrammetric method based on the moirè technique.Asymmetries in the frontal area were different in the studied sample. There was, however, a considerable percentage of asymmetries in both groups. The differences were found in the position of synonymous osseous points and the alignment of shoulder-blades, shoulders and waist triangles. The analysis of body posture in the frontal area has shown that asymmetries are very common. It was found that the occurrence of trunk asymmetry changed with the age.
Authors and Affiliations
Aleksandra Szabert, Paweł Targosiński, Marta Sidaway
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