Molecular markers for studying oilseed rape ([i]Brassica napus[/i] L.) II. The review of markers used for breeding programs
Journal Title: Rośliny Oleiste - Oilseed Crops - Year 2013, Vol 34, Issue 2
To withstand the present competition on the seed market, the breeders must speed up their efforts to obtain new varieties better in various characteristics. It is hard to cope with such a challenge without using new methods, including the use of molecular markers. Both advantages and difficulties related to these methods as well as their usability in rapeseed breeding are presented here. Basic strategies of searching for molecular markers linked with selected traits of plants are described. The article includes some remarks on the analysis of the whole genome, which is the method of choice in case when the markers linked with multigenic features are to be found. Finally, the review of markers used for marker assisted selection (MAS) and other applications of these techniques in oilseed rape breeding programs are presented.
Authors and Affiliations
Marcin Matuszczak
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