Monitoring of geo-economic transformation of the world market of tourist services


In the article on the basis of system-synergetic approach propose theoretical and methodological background of the publicly-geographical monitoring of global transformation of world market of tourist services. Among the new methods used in research are methods of foresight technologies and socio-economic modeling of the development of the object. Proposed and justified from the standpoint of socio-economic geography concept of «global market space» as functional and organizational environment and form of interaction between the cultural and trade and economic fields in the process of transformation of national economies. The influence of the civilization factor on the territorial organization of society was analyzed. The geo-economics features of the transformation of the world market of tourist services and the formation of a global market space were exposed. The hierarchical levels and sub-levels of the territorial organization of the global socio-geographical system are singled out. On the basis of the use of methods of ranging and multidimensional classification the development of global market space is worked out with selection 9 macro-regional markets of the world. In the context of the author's interpretation of the term «civilization» the definition of global civilization is justified. The influence of civilization factor in the territorial organization of society has been analyzed. Geo-economic, cratopolitical, environmental aspects of spatial transformation of socioheosystems has been clarified.

Authors and Affiliations

Павло Шуканов, Олександр Горячов, Віктор Карпенко, Ніна Карпенко


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How To Cite

Павло Шуканов, Олександр Горячов, Віктор Карпенко, Ніна Карпенко (2017). Monitoring of geo-economic transformation of the world market of tourist services. Часопис соціально-економічної географії, 23(2), 38-44.