Monitoring Section of IoTs Smart Garbage System
Journal Title: International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development - Year 2019, Vol 3, Issue 5
Nowadays certain actions are taken to improve the level of cleanliness in the country. The proposed system introduces the design and development of smart green environment of garbage monitoring system by measuring the garbage level in real time and to alert the municipality where the bin is full based on the types of garbage. Thus, Smart Garbage bin was built which is interfaced with Ultrasonic sensor, GPS module and Wi Fi module Node MCUs .In this system, we will put a sensor on top of the garbage bin which will detect the total level of garbage inside it according to the total size of the bin. Once the trash increases the threshold level, the notification will pop up in Blynk server. The real time status of how waste collection is being done could be monitored the bins where GPS is shown. Then, the employees can take further actions to empty bins. It is expected that this system can create greener environment by monitoring the collection of garbage smartly through Internet of Things. Thandar Hein | Chaw Myat Nwe "Monitoring Section of IoTs Smart Garbage System" Published in International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (ijtsrd), ISSN: 2456-6470, Volume-3 | Issue-5 , August 2019, URL: URL:
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