Morfologia głośni w reumatoidalnym zapaleniu stawów*

Journal Title: Otolaryngologia Polska - Year 2007, Vol 61, Issue 1


Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is an inflammatory disease of the connective tissue, which can affect larynx and cricoarytenoid (CA) joints, as well. The aim of this study was assessment of 1) glottis morphology and frequency of laryngeal structures involvement in RA of peripheral joints and 2) evaluation of rheumatoid patients’ complaints which can indicate the laryngeal involvement. Material: 77 patients were examined (71 women and 16 men) in the age from 19 to 77 (mean 56,69). RA duration was from 1 month to 29 years (mean 9,38). RA was active in 61% of patients. Method: Anamnesis, physical examination, videolaryngoscopy, computer tomography, electromyography. Results: The most frequent complaints were: foreign body sensation in the throat (51%), hoarseness (47%) with accompanying weakness of voice and dysphagia. In videolaryngoscopic examination swelling and/or redness of mucosal tissue in CA area was observed in 45% of patients. In 3 women impairment of vocal folds was stated, in 1 it was limitation of right vocal fold mobility and in 2 bilateral vocal folds immobility and tracheotomy was necessary. In patients with active RA and with foreign body sensation in the throat significantly more often inflammatory changes in larynx were visible. Conclusions: 1. Rheumatoid inflammation in the larynx is demonstrated by swelling and/or redness of mucosal tissue in CA area and in some individuals by its immobilization. 2. In the periods of RA intensification complains of foreign body sensation in the throat and hoarseness may indicate on laryngeal involvement. Our study results justify a suggestion of continuation of the morphological and functional changes estimation in patients with peripheral RA.

Authors and Affiliations

Katarzyna Amernik, Czeslawa Tarnowska, Iwona Brzosko, Halina Grzelec, Miroslaw Burak


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Katarzyna Amernik, Czeslawa Tarnowska, Iwona Brzosko, Halina Grzelec, Miroslaw Burak (2007). Morfologia głośni w reumatoidalnym zapaleniu stawów*. Otolaryngologia Polska, 61(1), 85-90.