Morphological changes in the skin of rats under the influence of glucosamine hydrochloride, “Glucosamine-C BHFZ” and acetyl salyl acid in the conditions of acute local cold injury


Topicality. The problem of cold injuries is one of the most common problems in modern medicine. Aim. To study the effect of the “Glucosamine-C BHFZ” phrigoprotectors, the substance of glucosamine hydrochloride and acetylsalicylic acid on the changes in the histostructure of the back skin in rats after acute local cold injury. Materials and methods. Contact defrosting was modeled by Boyko V. V. method. The rectal temperature was measured 40 minutes after acute and 7 days study. At 3rd and 7th day after local cold injury, skin lesions were taken for histological examination. Results and discussion. It was established that acute local cold injury in rats causes signs of severe hypothermia and morphological changes in the skin of rats. The prophylactic administration of the frigoprotectors leads to the normalization of temperature hemostasis, the restoration of the morphological structure of the skin. Conclusions. It is glucosamine hydrochloride that has the most positive effect on the restoration of the skin after a local cold injury. The use of acetylsalytyacid has a less pronounced recovery of the skin.

Authors and Affiliations

Ye. V. Bondarev, Sergiy Yu. Shtrygol, V. Synytsia, P. Savenko, S. Belyaeva


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  • EP ID EP661174
  • DOI 10.24959/ubphj.19.202
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How To Cite

Ye. V. Bondarev, Sergiy Yu. Shtrygol, V. Synytsia, P. Savenko, S. Belyaeva (2019). Morphological changes in the skin of rats under the influence of glucosamine hydrochloride, “Glucosamine-C BHFZ” and acetyl salyl acid in the conditions of acute local cold injury. Український біофармацевтичний журнал, 58(1), 22-29.