Morphometric Study of Tibial Condylar area in the North Indian Population.
Journal Title: Journal of Medical Science And clinical Research - Year 2014, Vol 2, Issue 3
The upper end of tibia is expanded to form a mass that consists of two parts: lateral and medial condyles which articulate with the corresponding condylar surfaces of the femur. Separating these two condyles is the intercondylar area whose central part is raised to form the intercondylar eminence. The present study will give information of the exact dimensions and percentage covered by medial and lateral condyles out of total condylar area. This study was undertaken to collect metrical data about the medial and lateral condyles of tibia. The present study was performed on 150 dry tibia of north Indian subjects, Out of which 70 tibia belonged to right side and 80 were of left side. The age and sex of these bones were not known. The anteroposterior length of medial and lateral tibial condylar area was measured along with their transverse diameter. The data was statistically analyzed to hold comparisons between tibia of right and left side and also between medial and lateral tibial condyles of the same side. The area covered by MTC is 38.56% and by LTC is 35.97% out of total condylar area in right side. The area covered by MTC is 37.32% and by LTC is 35.65% out of total conylar area in the left side. The study is important for anatomists, anthropologists, and orthopedics regarding unicompartmental knee arthroplasty (UKA), complete knee arthroplasty procedures and meniscal transplantation.
Authors and Affiliations
Ankit Srivastava
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