MORS – the Stationary Model Centre of Sociopsychiatric Rehabilitation for youths – the program and evaluation
Journal Title: Psychiatria Polska - Year 2010, Vol 44, Issue 6
Summary Introduction. The psychosocial consequences of psychosis in the youth are educational negligence’s, poor peer relations and difficulties in achieving life independency. MORS – the Stationary Model Centre of Sociopsychiatric Rehabilitation was created for overcoming these problems. Aim. To present the programme of rehabilitation and its effects in MORS. Method. The evaluation was performed in 18 of the 26 young persons being admitted to MORS in the years 2006-2008. Structured Questionnaires of past history for the staff and clients, the SOC-29 and KIDscreen -52 scales were used. Results. A significant number of young people from incomplete families, and/or families burdened with parental mental health problems was noticeable. The best effects were achieved in compensating for educational negligence's, and improving the social and life skills. The self estimation of health and life satisfaction was lower in the youth clients on discharge from MORS than in the general population. Conclusions. According to retrospective evaluation, the stationary programme of psychosocial rehabilitation in MORS seems to be effective in youths with psychotic disorders and difficulties in social functioning. Further development, and prospective evaluation of that programme would be valuable. Social support in local communities for the youth being discharged from MORS is needed.
Authors and Affiliations
Maria Załuska, Anna Serafin, Katarzyna Wójcicka, Michał Kuroń, Magda Tymińska
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