Mortality Pattern of Hospitalized Neonates in Government Medical College and Hospital, Latur, Maharashtra
Background: Records of vital events like death constitute an important component of Health Information System. Mortality data from hospitalized patients reflect the causes of major illnesses and care-seeking behavior of the community as well as standard of care being provided. Objectives: 1.To study the mortality pattern of hospitalized neonates in Govt. Medical College and Hospital, Latur, Maharashtra. 2. To study some of the antenatal, natal and postnatal factors affecting neonatal mortality. Methods: It is a record based cross-sectional study. A retrospective analysis of records of the neonates who were died after admission in NICU of GMCH, Latur, over a period of one year from 1 April 2009 to 31 March 2010 was done. The data was analyzed using Microsoft Excel and interpreted using appropriate statistical techniques. Results: There were 186 infant deaths of which 142(74.34%) were neonatal deaths. Of 142 neonatal deaths, 130(91.54%) were early neonatal deaths. The commonest cause of death were LBW 113(79.57%) and prematurity 74(52.11%) followed by sepsis 62(43.66%) and congenital anomalies 21(14.78%). In full term neonates 68(47.88%) the commonest cause for death were birth asphyxia 30(44.11%), sepsis 20( 29.41%) and congenital anomalies 10( 14.70%). Conclusion: This study identifies early neonatal period as the major contributor to neonatal mortality. The gestational age and birth weight have influenced the neonatal outcome. The pattern of neonatal mortality shows that the causes can be easily managed by strengthening and utilization of present health care services.
Authors and Affiliations
Lalita T. Chinte , Lata B. Godale
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