Motivation and job performance in the technical nursing staff of a public hospital during 2018 (Motivación y desempeño laboral en el personal técnico de Enfermería de un Hospital público durante el año 2018)
Journal Title: Gestiones. - Year 2023, Vol 3, Issue 1
Motivation and job performance among technical nursing staff in public hospitals is important because they are the staff that is in direct contact with patients and because they are one of the largest groups of staff.The study had a descriptive scope. The sample of nursing technical staff of a public hospital in the city of Chiclayo, was 110 workers: 18 men and 92 women from 30 to 50 years of age. The main motivational factors were: remuneration and/or benefits (81.82%), positive work environment (72.73%), training (70.91%), receipt of benefits for the good development of technical work (40.91%) and recognition for the good development of their technical work (38.18%) respectively. It was concluded that the highest level of job performance was regular in 48.18% of the technical staff in Nursing
Authors and Affiliations
Anita Esther Romero Mestanza
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