Możliwości rozwoju turystyki uzdrowiskowej w województwie lubelskim
Journal Title: Annales Universitatis Mariae Curie-Skłodowska, sectio B - Geographia, Geologia, Mineralogia et Petrographia - Year 2016, Vol 0, Issue 2
The aim of the study is to present a quantitative analysis of the current development and forecasts of development of the spa tourism in the province of Lublin. The results of the research indicate significant changes in the dynamics of the analyzed characteristics thus clearly indicating the growing interest in spa tourism in the region of Lublin. The authors point to the need of developing the medicinal-service base and the need to prepare a plan for promoting the region in terms of spa tourism.
Authors and Affiliations
Tadeusz Zienkiewicz, Katarzyna Gruszczyńska, Ewa Zienkiewicz
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