Muhyiddîn İbn Arabî’de Sûfî Dilin Mertebeleri

Journal Title: Trabzon İlahiyat Dergisi - Year 2018, Vol 5, Issue 1


The vision of Muhyiddin Ibn ‘Arabî about the language through the literary framework that he put for himself, invited him to arrange the relationship between the person, language, and the effort to question the language. This is not only to clearly understand the tendency and purpose of Sufi discourse, but also to reconstruct the general structure of the problematic. The new vision of Ibn ‘Arabî is based on the question of knowledge, which he reveals during the period in which he observes the religion's relation to society. His observations are in the political and cultural aspect of the society as well as they stretch through the universal image of the poetic experience which has been firmly established with the various scriptural practices of the sufi discourse which Ibn ‘Arabî ascribes to his own circle of the place and time. But he will try to work creatively on it or being based on this idea of possibility and eternity, he will make sufi discourse resistant to this time and place.

Authors and Affiliations

Davut Ağbal


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How To Cite

Davut Ağbal (2018). Muhyiddîn İbn Arabî’de Sûfî Dilin Mertebeleri. Trabzon İlahiyat Dergisi, 5(1), 241-254.