The paper examines the complex issue of the municipal councilor selections in the United
States. The traditions of local elections, in particular reforms resulting from the Progressive
Movement in the turn of the 19th an...
Spain is a very unique country. If it comes to the political system it is a unitary state, but with many elements of a federation. It results in a very complicated internal administrative structure, and equally complicat...
The subject of the article is to discuss the new institution of Polish electoral law – the socia observers of the elections. This institution, next to the well-known in Polish law the persons of trust and international e...
The European Parliament is the only institution of European Union’ political system, which
is elected directly by the adult citizens of the Member States. After four decades from the first
direct elections (1979) the EP...
Tryb wyboru radnych w amerykańskich korporacjach municypalnych
The paper examines the complex issue of the municipal councilor selections in the United States. The traditions of local elections, in particular reforms resulting from the Progressive Movement in the turn of the 19th an...
Wybory gminne w Hiszpanii
Spain is a very unique country. If it comes to the political system it is a unitary state, but with many elements of a federation. It results in a very complicated internal administrative structure, and equally complicat...
Polska bibliografia wyborczo-referendalna za 2017 rok
Polska bibliografia wyborczo-referendalna za 2017 rok
Społeczni obserwatorzy wyborów w polskim prawie wyborczym
The subject of the article is to discuss the new institution of Polish electoral law – the socia observers of the elections. This institution, next to the well-known in Polish law the persons of trust and international e...
Ujednolicenie unijnej ordynacji wyborczej – mrzonka czy realny projekt na przyszłość?
The European Parliament is the only institution of European Union’ political system, which is elected directly by the adult citizens of the Member States. After four decades from the first direct elections (1979) the EP...