Multifaceted Glance on Childhood Sexual Abuse and Incest


An experience of domestic violence can lead to permanent physical, mental, and psychological harms, whether the child is a direct victim or a witness. Although having no standard definition, it is generally agreed that childhood sexual abuse and incest are underreported. The majority of sexual abuse happens in childhood, with incest being the most common form. Incest is a sexual activity or assault between family members or close relatives and can be defined as the sexual abuse of the child, as well. On the other hand, pedophilic disorder is defined as having recurrent, intense sexual urges or behaviors involving sexual activity with a preadolescent child, over a period of at least 6 months. In this article, clinical, social, and legal effects from the sexual abuse of results are investigated. Results of our research will be hopefully helpful in informing social policy and guiding mental health practice.

Authors and Affiliations

Aslıhan Okan İbiloğlu, Abdullah Atlı, Remzi Oto, Mustafa Özkan


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  • EP ID EP341780
  • DOI 10.18863/pgy.336520
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How To Cite

Aslıhan Okan İbiloğlu, Abdullah Atlı, Remzi Oto, Mustafa Özkan (2018). Multifaceted Glance on Childhood Sexual Abuse and Incest. Psikiyatride Guncel Yaklasimlar - Current Approaches in Psychiatry, 10(1), 84-98.