Multilocular thymic cyst detected during coronary artery bypass surgery

Journal Title: Dicle Tıp Dergisi - Year 2013, Vol 40, Issue 2


Thymic cyts that are located in the mediastinal space are rarely seen and forms 1-3% of all the mediastinal masses. They may be congenital or acquired. During the coronary artery surgery of 54 years old male patient, 14x4 cm and 13x3 cm sized masses were detected at the anterior mediastinum. The masses were thick walled and had multicystic apperance. After the median sternotomy, all thymic cysts were resected then coronary artery bypass surgery was performed. The histopathologic examination was diagnosed as acquired multilocular thymic cysts and lymhoid hyperplasia. Thymic masses can be accidentally seen during median sternotomy for coronary artery bypass surgery, we think that removal of these masses are necessary and beneficial. Key words: Multiloculer thymic cysts, coronary artery bypass graft surgery, malignancy

Authors and Affiliations

Funda Yıldırım, Tolga Badak, Adnan Kurdal, İhsan İşkesen, Bekir Şirin


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  • EP ID EP87521
  • DOI 10.5798/diclemedj.0921.2013.02.0277
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How To Cite

Funda Yıldırım, Tolga Badak, Adnan Kurdal, İhsan İşkesen, Bekir Şirin (2013). Multilocular thymic cyst detected during coronary artery bypass surgery. Dicle Tıp Dergisi, 40(2), 307-309.