Multiple Supplemental and Impacted Teeth (Polydent): A Non-Syndromic Case Report

Journal Title: Journal of Dental Health and Oral Research - Year 2020, Vol 1, Issue 2


Many cases of supernumerary teeth are found in congenital syndromes. Most prevalent dental modifications found, are the number of teeth in genetic conditions affecting ectodermal structures including Cleidocranial Dysostosis (CCD), hypohydrotic ectodermal dysplasia, focal dermal hypoplasia, craniofacial dysostosis, and aperts syndrome. The patient’s main complaint was of toothache. Clinically there were no macroscopically detectable abnormalities, and he was unaware of any dental problems. His physical and facial appearance showed no deviations from normal, and he chewed, swallowed and spoke without impediment. A complement of permanent human teeth is usually 32, within four quadrants of the mouth; from the center point there are two incisors, one canine, two pre-molars and three molars. Total 4 × 8 =32 teeth and humans rarely develop more. Presented here is a case with multiple extra supplemental teeth eight in number in his permanent dentition, most of which six were identified radiographically and impacted. This case presented no other identifiable abnormalities in the mouth. The patient’s pain derived from one supplemental upper premolar, which was removed. Exodontia other teeth not in function was advised, the patient acknowledged this but failed to return. This unique presentation with supplemental teeth and impactions was deemed to be non-syndromic.

Authors and Affiliations

Louis ZG Touyz*, Daphna Vermes


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Louis ZG Touyz*, Daphna Vermes (2020). Multiple Supplemental and Impacted Teeth (Polydent): A Non-Syndromic Case Report. Journal of Dental Health and Oral Research, 1(2), -.