Multipliers costs and growth for balance and margin analysis

Journal Title: Економічний вісник університету - Year 2016, Vol 1, Issue 30


The subject of the research: depth study of the economic analysis based on the balance synthesis of information that is undeniable to fighting corruption and to solve fiscal problems of economic regulation. The aim of the research: application theory postulates of marginalism market to support the principles and methods of in-depth study of multipliers increase investment character, discounted cash flows, checking conclusions on costs multiplier balance models. Method or methodology of work: information, analytical and economic-mathematical modeling. The results of the research: developed and substantiated scientific principles of balance and margin analysis. Practical implications: management and regulation in the areas of economic activity of business systems. Conclusions: should integrate modeling simple multiplier to balance teaching known models such Leontiev - Ford to solve more complex systems of linear equations. At a time when enterprise spending is not only physical capital but also the cash, you must move the dynamic modeling based on the principles chrematistics , discounting of financial resources, combating usury and modeling the behavior of executives of financial institutions. The economy against chrematistics - the slogan for the improvement of training.

Authors and Affiliations

Anatolii Lysetskyi, Oksana Palamarchuk, Galyna Chaban


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How To Cite

Anatolii Lysetskyi, Oksana Palamarchuk, Galyna Chaban (2016). Multipliers costs and growth for balance and margin analysis. Економічний вісник університету, 1(30), 96-102.