Mungbean yield and nutrient uptake performance in response of NPK and lime levels under acid soil in Vindhyan region, India
Journal Title: Journal of Applied and Natural Science - Year 2016, Vol 8, Issue 2
2016A field experiment was conducted to understanding the management of soil acidity with NPK and lime levels for sustainable mungbean productivity, Crop was sown during kharif season of 2014at Agronomy farm of Rajiv Gandhi South Campus Banaras Hindu University, Barkachha, Mirzapur, Uttar Pradesh. Results of the study demonstrated that significant improvement in seed (524 kg /ha), straw (1426 kg /ha), biological yield (1949 kg/ha) and total NPK uptake (96.68 kg/ha) were recorded in 100% RDF. Similar results were observed with application of 200 kg lime/ha in mungbean. Interaction effect was also recorded at P=0.05 level of significance between fertility and lime levels on mungbean seed (622 kg/ha) and biological (2145kg/ha) yield with 100 % RDF + 200 kg lime/ha which were observed highest than all other treatments. Moreover, highest B:C ratio was observed with the application of 200 kg lime/ha. The present study revealed that soil acidity problems affecting pulses productivity, can be overcome with applications of 100% RDF and 200 kg lime/ha in Vindhyan region, India.
Authors and Affiliations
Ram Swaroop Meena, Dinesh Varma
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