Mus'ab b. ‘Umejr, r.a., – prvi ambasador da've u islamu / Mus’ab b. ‘Umejr, r.a. – the first ambassador of da’wa in islam


Mus’ab b. ‘Umejr, r.a. was one of the most diligent students of Allah’s Prophet, Muhammed s.a.w.s. He embraced Islam in his early years and wove into it all of his physical and spiritual strength. Even though his parents had mistreated him because of his devotion to Islam, by depriving him of food, drink and clothing, he remained steadfast on his path of truth and became an example to other young men on how to fight for ideals, which surpass the mundane life and its needs. The methods he used in his da’wa became the paradigm for all future generations. Namely, using his discerning selection he converted two key men in Medina and by doing so, made it possible for half of the population of this city to embrace Islam, but he also made way for a normal arrival of muhajeers from the idolatrous Mecca into the city of Medina which was to become a nucleus from which a new, united and a unique generation of Muslims emerged – the likes of which would never emerge again until the Day of Judgement. This first ambassador of da’wa, whom Allah’s Prophet s.a.w.s. had sent to teach the first Muslims of Medina the recitation of Qur’an and the fundamental postulates of Islam, had very much contributed to the formation of the first Islamic community, military and state. The analysis of his perfect methods, learned in the school of Muhammed s.a.w.s., will greatly contribute to our attempts to present Islam and affirm it in such a way so as to bring it nearer and make it more receptive to those who are longing for the truth and wish to, one day, recognise it.

Authors and Affiliations

Šefik Kurdić


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Šefik Kurdić (2004). Mus'ab b. ‘Umejr, r.a., – prvi ambasador da've u islamu / Mus’ab b. ‘Umejr, r.a. – the first ambassador of da’wa in islam. Zbornik radova Islamskog pedagoškog fakulteta u Zenici / Proceedings of the Islamic Pedagogical Faculty in Zenica, 2(2), -.