Journal Title: Muzealnictwo - Year 2015, Vol 56, Issue
Both museums and non-governmental organisations are non-profit organisations. This suggests we should consider the relationship between them in terms of laws regulating museums and non-governmental organisations (Acts of law: on Museums, on Public Benefit and Volunteer Work, on Foundations and Law on Associations). Non-governmental organisations, including foundations and associations, may, as entities endowed with legal personality, set up museums. Museums of non-governmental organisations are organisational entities having no legal personality, thus rights and obligations resulting from running those museums are the rights and obligations of the non-governmental organisations as their founders. Among others this concerns the property of museum objects vested in foundations and associations running their own museums, as well as obligations related to protecting and evidencing museum collections. The Act of Law on Museums takes into account the particular status of museums without legal personality, including museums of non-governmental organisations, e.g. in view of their regulations to which the provisions of the statutes of museums are applicable. Apart from setting up museums, non-governmental organisations may engage in museum activity through cooperating with museums set up by other entities, in particular with state and local government museums. Cooperation in this field generally related to those foundations and associations which among their statutory aims have tasks related to the area culture and national heritage, in particular with the protection of monuments and the development of museology. In particular, foundations may be established by persons interested in running an activity for public benefit in order to financially support museology or particular museums, whereas, associations may be created to gather people of common interests and needs, including people of given professions, related to the museum’s activity or enthusiasts for given towns or regions to which given museums, e.g. regional ones are devoted.
Authors and Affiliations
Rafał Golat
Museums in Poland in the Years 1989-2008
OGRÓD Z RZEŹBAMI – ISTOTNA CZĘŚĆ MUZEUM HIRSHHORNA Muzeum Sztuki Nowoczesnej i Współczesnej Smithsonian Institution
Structuring the Language Describing Museum Collections
Prof. dr hab. Janusz Durko był historykiem, archiwistą, wybitnym muzealnikiem. Urodzony w Warszawie, tu ukończył studia historyczne na UW (1938), przeżył okupację niemiecką i całą wojnę. Po wyzwoleniu pracował początkowo...
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