Musical-choreographic synthesis in ballet by Uwe Scholz "The Great Mass"


The purpose of the article is to find out the specifics of musical-choreographic synthesis in ballet Uwe Scholz "The Great Mass." The methodology of the research is based on the use of the system-analytical method in conjunction with the performance approach. The scientific novelty is to clarify the features of the interpretation of classical music in the work of Uwe Scholz. Conclusions. Uwe Scholz's "Great Mass" refers to a type of choreography in which most delicate details of the musical material and its formation are elaborated. In his productions of Choreo-Aleksika, W. Scholz is not only a scrupulous vision of music as a set of various expressive means, which is the key to the solution of figurative, in this case, the religious symbolism of music, the plastic interpretation of which requires the highest musical professionalism and immense ethical responsibility.

Authors and Affiliations

Iryna Hertz


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How To Cite

Iryna Hertz (2018). Musical-choreographic synthesis in ballet by Uwe Scholz "The Great Mass". Вісник Національної академії керівних кадрів культури і мистецтв, 1(1), 160-163.