Muzeum jako miejsce – przestrzeń edukacji Recenzja książki: Renata Pater, Edukacja muzealna – muzea dla dzieci i młodzieży, Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego, Kraków 2016, ss. 228
Journal Title: Edukacja Elementarna w Teorii i Praktyce - Year 2017, Vol 12, Issue 2
Authors and Affiliations
Anna Królikowska
The Good Start Method for English – An Equivalent to the Good Start Method in Teaching English
The Good Start Method of M. Bogdanowicz has been used in Polish education for over fifty years, bringing excellent results. This method is still in development, bringing new materials, and since 2011 there is also a vers...
Thank you mamma – Happy Mother’s Day
The Art Workshop and its Art Therapeutic Value in Work with Children
The article is of a theoretical nature and concerns art therapy and specifically therapy through visual art. The author underscores the role of art as the specific form of man’s expressive ability. An artistic work in in...
The Natives are Revolting! Moving Beyond the NNEST/NEST Dichotomy in English Language Teaching
The issue of Native-Speakerism periodically rears its head in English Language Teaching and the profession as a whole is riven by a perceived split between “Native English Speaker Teachers” or NEST and “Non-Native Englis...
The Natives are Revolting! Poza NNEST/NEST dychotomią w nauczaniu języka angielskiego
Zagadnienie „Native-Speakerism” osadzone jest w obszarze Nauczania Języka Angielskiego (ELT). Wykonywanie zawodu nauczyciela języka angielskiego ulega podziałowi na dwie kategorie: pierwszą odzwierciedla pojęcie „Nati...