Muzułmanie we Francji – aspekty religijne i organizacyjne
Journal Title: Athenaeum. Polskie Studia Politologiczne - Year 2015, Vol 0, Issue 46
At the turn of the twentieth and twenty-first century, the problem of the Muslim minority in Europe became a significant problem in religious, social and political terms. In this publication, we present the characteristics of the presence of Muslims in France only in terms of religious and organizational backgrounds. By analyzing the first aspect, the importance of Islam as the second religion in terms of the number of believers in France is shown. The second aspect describes the characteristics of some important Muslim organizations in France.
Authors and Affiliations
Stanisław Musiał
Andrzej Antoszewski, Współczesne teorie demokracji, Wydawnictwo Sejmowe 2016 (2017), pp. 248
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