Injuries are one of the commonest causes of disability and death worldwide. They affect all populations in all geographic regions. Injuries are amongst the commonest causes of mortality in the pediatric population, after...
Sepsis in children is a global problem causing signifi cant mortality and morbidity. Early identifi cation and prompt
treatment is the key to better survival. Sometimes the symptoms are not clear cut and culture sensitiv...
Thesis writing is an essential component of postgraduate training in India. The primary intention is to train the student
in research methodology which is different from doctoral dissertation. Writing a thesis protocol i...
Pediatric liver transplantation has evolved over the last few decades from an experimental therapy to standard of care in end stage liver disease. Apart from surgical expertise, the success of liver transplantation large...
AAdrenal insuffi ciency (AI) is a frequently discussed but inadequately understood condition among critically ill patients. Increased glucocorticoid action is an essential component of the stress response. Dysfunction of...
Management of Pediatric Trauma
Injuries are one of the commonest causes of disability and death worldwide. They affect all populations in all geographic regions. Injuries are amongst the commonest causes of mortality in the pediatric population, after...
Biomarkers in Sepsis
Sepsis in children is a global problem causing signifi cant mortality and morbidity. Early identifi cation and prompt treatment is the key to better survival. Sometimes the symptoms are not clear cut and culture sensitiv...
Anatomy of Thesis Protocol
Thesis writing is an essential component of postgraduate training in India. The primary intention is to train the student in research methodology which is different from doctoral dissertation. Writing a thesis protocol i...
Intensive Care Issues in Post-operative Pediatric Liver Transplantation
Pediatric liver transplantation has evolved over the last few decades from an experimental therapy to standard of care in end stage liver disease. Apart from surgical expertise, the success of liver transplantation large...
Adrenal Dysfunction in Critical Care Settings
AAdrenal insuffi ciency (AI) is a frequently discussed but inadequately understood condition among critically ill patients. Increased glucocorticoid action is an essential component of the stress response. Dysfunction of...