Myopericytoma -A Perivascular Myoid Cell Tumor with Review of Literature
Journal Title: Journal of Medical Science And clinical Research - Year 2017, Vol 5, Issue 7
(perivascularmyoid cell)/PEC (perivascular epitheloid cell) tumors, due to their histomorphological overlapping. Their most common site is superficial soft tissues of extremities particularly distal portions of lower limb followed by head and neck in adults. Men are more commonly affected than women. The recent concept of phenotypic recognition as PMC and PEC phenotype has changed the concept of angiogenic tumors. Here we are reporting a case of sub cutaneous myopericytoma of sternal region in a 21yr male with complete review of literature. The patient had noticed a well defined nodularity of 1.5 x 1.2cm in midsternal region. Total excision was performed. On gross examination it was unencapsulated, well circumscribed reddish brown nodule with firm consistency. Cut surface grey brown homogeneous. Histologically it comprised of numerous thin walled vessels, proliferating spindled to oval cells having eosinophilic cytoplasm, blend to mildly pleomorphic nuclei, arranged in concentric perivascular pattern like hemangiopericytoma and focal glomoid nodular proliferation. Immunohistochemically tumor cells were positive for SMA (Smooth Muscle Actin), calponin and Bcl2, negative for cytokeratins, ,CD-31,CD-34,S-100 ,melanosome, CD-99 & KIT. MIB score was 25-30 %, p53 was mildly positive. Mostly Myopericytomas usually behave in a benign fashion , Local recurrences & metastasis may occur in atypical & malignant neoplasms. The patient is doing well without recurrence in thirty months after surgery.
Authors and Affiliations
Kalpana Mangal
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