Mythologized History and Politics in Post-Soviet Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan

Journal Title: Codrul Cosminului - Year 2017, Vol 23, Issue 1


The purpose of this work is to show the role of mythologized history in the management of modern political processes in Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan. The article analyses the causes of appearance of mythologized histories in the two republics of Central Asia, Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan. The article evaluates the function and instrumental character of this phenomenon. Authors have demonstrated in a lot of examples that mythologized history is one of the tools by which an attempt is made to control the political process. Mythologized history plays an important role in both countries. It cannot be argued that this phenomenon is understood and interpreted in full. In any case, this phenomenon requires further study.

Authors and Affiliations

Anuar Galiev, Kulipa Baisultanova, Zhanar Yesserkepova, Marzhan Dautbekova, Aliya Isayeva


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How To Cite

Anuar Galiev, Kulipa Baisultanova, Zhanar Yesserkepova, Marzhan Dautbekova, Aliya Isayeva (2017). Mythologized History and Politics in Post-Soviet Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan. Codrul Cosminului, 23(1), 237-246.