„Na kwadracie i na jego obwodzie”. Ursynowski rap lat 90.: konfrontacje, identyfikacje, aspiracje
Journal Title: Kultura Popularna - Year 2017, Vol 3, Issue 53
The text is an attempt to define the relationship between the urban space of Ursynów housing estates and the early works of Polish rap created in this district. The first Warsaw rappers were coevals of the district (born in late 70. and early 80.), also their nicknames were borrowed from the elements of its space, and most of the songs – in which they imitate the practices of black American rappers – were also devoted to Ursynów. Nevertheless, a crack in this narrative can be observed – the artists mostly origin from good families, their sterile auto-creations seem not to be compatible with American rap stereotypes as imitated. The author follows and interprets these narrative discontinuities.<br/><br/>
Authors and Affiliations
Piotr Kubkowski
O pewnym wymiarze folkloru e-religijnego. Sieć objawień.
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Abstrakty do numeru: Kultura Popularna nr 4 (50) / 2016, Kompetencje medialne II
Kompetencje medialne II<br/><br/>