Na tropie „Józefa Baki”. Barokowe inspiracje w powieści detektywistycznej Marka Krajewskiego
Journal Title: Prace Literaturoznawcze - Year 2014, Vol 2, Issue 2
This article has comparative character. It concerns some baroque ispirations in creation of Polish writer Marek Krajewski. Among others motive of regale appears in it – at first on honour of life. Then it is transformed to banquet of death (with rats as banqueters). These conversions remember baroque poetry of Józef Baka. The manner of describing of human body on banquet of death – this is the next similarity. Besides, detectives (main heroes of novels – Eberhard Mock and Edward Popielski) have certain features of our old polish ancestors. They like rich apparels, abundant meals and feminine body. Baroque elements co-create climate of antiquity in novels of Krajewski.
Authors and Affiliations
Paweł Pietrzyk
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