„Na z góry straconych pozycjach”. Z Donatem Kirschem rozmawia Andrzej Śnioszek
Journal Title: Śląskie Studia Polonistyczne - Year 2017, Vol 9, Issue 1
Authors and Affiliations
Donat Kirsch, Andrzej Śnioszek
Donat Kirsch, Andrzej Śnioszek
Geniusze, prostacy, psychopaci – stereotypizacja w prezentacjach gier i graczy w serialach (rekonesans)
The article deals with the stereotypical ways in which game players are represented in various TV series whose characters are constructed on the basis of well-worn (and not necessarily authentic) patterns. As a result, o...
Figura ojca w polu podmiotowym. Europy Zachodniej i postkomunistycznej
The author of the article concentrates on the relationship between the father figure, the law of a father and political identities in a postcommunist and Western Europe. The argument is grounded in a psychoanalytical dis...
„Żądza pisania” jako przejaw postawy twórczej Marcina Paszkowskiego
Paszkowski’s writing desire derives from the following reasons: his willingness to satisfy the material needs (Paszkowski was a writer), fulfill a public mission via informing the society about momentous current events a...
Porażka Ojca
The father is a dialectical figure. Taking C. Schmitt’s “state of exception” as a point of departure and drawing from G. Agamben’s and W. Hamacher’s analyses, I would like to present in my article the sense of this figur...
Recenzenckie zachwyty i niedyskrecje Seweryn Bączalski w roli krytyka Światowej Rozkoszy Hieronima Morsztyna
In Old Polish literature, literary criticism was virtually unknown. In view of the scarcity of appraisals and reviews, a rhyming review written by a second-rate poet from the second half of the 17th century Seweryn Bącza...