Nabywanie nieruchomości rolnych w drodze zasiedzenia. Wybrane zagadnienia konstrukcyjne

Journal Title: Studia Prawnicze. Rozprawy i Materiały - Year 2018, Vol 22, Issue 1


The Act of 14 April 2016 on Withholding the Sale of Properties in the State Treasury Resources of Agricultural Properties and on Amending Certain Statutes has introduced changes into the Polish legal system which significantly restrict trade in agricultural properties. These changes concern, inter alia, positive prescription of broadly understood agricultural properties. In accordance with the amended law, agricultural properties referred to in the provisions of the Act of 11 April 2003 on the Development of the Agricultural System may be acquired through positive prescription only by individual farmers in the meaning of this Act; furthermore, certain obligations have been imposed on the parties acquiring agricultural properties through positive prescription relating to their use of the properties they acquire, with farreaching sanctions imposed thereupon. The law which has been introduced raises serious concerns, inter alia, at the level of its interpretation, including, in particular, in the context of the aims intended to be attained by the legislator by significantly and comprehensively restricting trade in agricultural properties.

Authors and Affiliations

Jakub Biernat


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Jakub Biernat (2018). Nabywanie nieruchomości rolnych w drodze zasiedzenia. Wybrane zagadnienia konstrukcyjne. Studia Prawnicze. Rozprawy i Materiały, 22(1), 147-155.