
У статті висвітлено історію співпраці кінематографістів України та Росії, яка розпочалася ще часів Російської імперії. Автор доходить висновку, що дії російської еліти в галузі духовної культури є класичним зразком зовнішньої експансії, що має на меті конкретну ціль – поширити власну культуру, витіснивши національну. The article spotlights a history of cooperation of Ukrainian and Russian cinematographers that began back in the days of the Russian Empire. The author comes to conclusion that actions of the Russian intellectual culture elite are a classic example of external expansion that has a specific purpose – to spread own culture by squeezing national culture. The bilateral relations between countries always represent a complicated complex of problems that is integrally associated with peculiarities of their history, social and political and economic development, peculiarities of mental structure of dominant ethnic group. Thus their development and evolution requires multi-parameter analysis of all above-mentioned factors, and relations development is integrally associated with peculiarities of historical time. However, not only objective preconditions determine the level of cooperation activity or tension of confrontation, but also a number of subjective factors: political ambitions of leaders and opposition, endless striving for concealed enemy, guilty in all country's travails, bygones. However, almost key sign of any interstate relations is striving to use partner for own benefit or as a sphere of own political influence or as sales market or just as image to compare with emphasizing neighbour's misfortunes. The Ukrainian-Russian relations have precisely these above-stated signs to the full extent. Herewith, if Ukraine principally strived to present Russia as a historical enemy, whose past (and often also contemporary) actions bring all misfortunes, then the Russian society continues to perceive Ukraine as the prodigal son who, due to his imprudence, destroyed the whole father's well-being, and accordingly his return is an important political mission. And to conduct it all measures make sense: economic, international, political and even cultural. In addition, the actions of the Russian intellectual culture elite are a classic example of external expansion that has a specific purpose – to spread own culture by squeezing national culture, to convince the popular majority of neighbouring state of inferiority and provincialism of all its national peculiarities, and finally to canalize a public opinion to necessary course: Ukraine is nothing without Russia. Ukrainians and Russians cooperated in the field of cinematography back in the days of the Russian Empire – actually from the moment of emergence of this synthetic art form. However, as Ukraine did not have national sovereignty, from the very beginning it could not count on a separate, independent way of cinema development. Thus a joint work of Ukrainian cinematographers and Russian cinematographers cannot be called as cooperation of peers: the whole cinematography of the Russian Empire developed in the clutch of dominant nation's culture, for which the Ukrainian cinema products and their authors played just provincial, ancillary and subordinate role. The problem of formation and development of interstate cooperation in the field of cinematography takes one of the important places in a system of integrated international cooperation. According to its scientific and theoretical and practical importance, it is highly competitive with such well-known fields as politics, economics, cooperation on international organizations' level, military cooperation, etc. After all, the cooperation in the field of cinematography, as opposed to many other fields of international bilateral relations, involves not only relations on a level of ruling elite of two countries, but also the whole society, in one form or another showing the availability of contacts between state, public, non-governmental organizations, as well as between separate creative individuals who, in spite of certain twists and turns of official state foreign affairs conception, keep in touch with colleagues from neighboring state.

Authors and Affiliations

M. Parakhina


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M. Parakhina (2016). НАЦІОНАЛЬНА КІНЕМАТОГРАФІЯ УКРАЇНИ ТА РОСІЇ: ПЕРЕДІСТОРІЯ СПІВПРАЦІ. Вісник Маріупольського державного університету. Серія: Історія. Політологія, 6(16), 101-109. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-427620